Dreams Emerging, Beyond Resilience: Día de Los Muertos 2021
SOMArts Cultural Center - 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco 94103
Altar for Ronnie created by Art Hazelwood and Kate DeCiccio
San Francisco Bay View: Ronnie Goodman 1960-2020
San Francisco Chronicle: Homeless San Francisco artist dies just as he hits the big time with New York MoMA exhibit
Hypoallergic: Artist Ronnie Goodman, Who Channeled Experiences of Houselessness and Incarceration
Mission Local: Homeless artist Ronnie Goodman, 60, dies at Capp and 16th Street
Mission Local: Friends and family gather to remember Ronnie Goodman
Street Sheet: Artist With A Visual Voice On Homelessness
Art Forum: Ronnie Goodman
P.A.T.H. Blog: Remembering Ronnie
People's Tribune: Poem: Ronnie Goodman's short life
See additional artwork photos on photographer Peter Merts' website
I am a self-taught homeless artist and former distance runner living in San Francisco. I am inspired by the beauty of this city and its diversity, balanced with the struggles of human despair. With my brush, I try to capture these raw emotions in painted images.
Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration
September 17 2020 - April 5, 2021
M PS1: 22-25 Jackson Avenue, Queens, NY
A Conversation at Claudia's with Ronnie Goodman, 2021
Good Man: The Story Of An Artist (A Prison Arts Project Story)
Art Is Actually My Life (Homeless POV/GoPro Project videos)
Going the Distance - Today Show
New York Review of Books: Creation in Confinement: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Stories Behind the Fog: "I Fought Self Destruction with Creation"
Homeless Runner Raises $10,000 at San Francisco Half Marathon - Runner's World
SF Marathon, Homeless Runner Partner on Fundraising - Runner's World
Homeless Artist To Run Half Marathon for Charity - Huffington Post
Homeless SF Marthoner Doesn't Run From Problems - SF Chronicle
From Prison to Art: Ronnie's New Life After Homelessness HandUp.org ‪
Ronnie Goodman: SOUL JOURNEY PowerPoint Presentation (.PDF Format)
KPOO FM 89.5 (Melonie & Melorra Green's Ibeji Lounge radio)
Homeless But Not Hopeless (By Frank Garza of SFPeoplePodcast)
San Francisco Ads Aim To Reveal Who Homeless People Really Are - Huffington Post
I was in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" Q&A with Kevin Adler of Homeless GoPr
Homeless Tell Their Own Stories With Personal Cameras - Deseret News Nationa
Once Troubled Artist Already Feels Like A Winner at the SF Marathon - SF Chronicle
List of people who made the SF Bay Area interesting in 2014!​
House Keys Not Handcuffs: Homeless Art, Organizing & Politics in San Francisco & Beyond, features work by me & other artists.
Previous Events:
RUN FOR THE REDSTONE, Fundraiser for the Redstone Building Labor Temple during the San Francisco Second Half Marathon, Sunday, July 31, 2016
Finished the strenuous Dipsea Trail Race, Sunday, June 12, 2016 & the fun Bay to Breakers race, Sunday, May 15, 2016!,
EXHIBITS & AUCTION OF "THE THREE APOSTLES OF JAZZ," San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, Friday, February 26, 2016 Redstone Building, 2940 16th Street, San Francisco, CA, #301.
SF Living Wage Coalition, Friday, January 8, 2016 Redstone. MORE
I helped create the Underground Art Gallery, at the Redstone Building Labor Temple, 2940 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Here's the video for the Underground Gallery's first exhibit, "Celebrating People's Resistance," July 3-25, 2015.
My solo print & painting show, "Soul Journey" was at the Main San Francisco Public Library through Thursday, October 22, 2105. Don't miss this blog post about it.
"Art Hazelwood & Ronnie Goodman: Speaking to the Issues," Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, Athens, GA!
Solo print show, "Soul Journey" in Supervisor London Breed's office at San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl., 2nd Floor, Room 256.